Softplus function — Smooth approximation of the ReLU function

Step by step implementation with its derivative

3 min readDec 1, 2021

In this post, we will talk about the Softplus function. The Softplus function is a smooth approximation of the ReLU function that removes the knee in the ReLU function graph and replaces it with a smooth curve.

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3.6 What is the Softplus activation function and its derivative?

This is the definition of the Softplus function.

And it is very easy to find the derivative of the Softplus function.

This is the graph for the Softmax function and its derivative.

Softplus function and its derivative

We can easily implement the Softplus function in Python.

import numpy as np                             # importing NumPy
def softplus(x): # Softplus
return np.log(1 + np.exp(x))
def softplus_dash(x): # Softplus derivative
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))
Defining Softplus functions and its derivative

Let us have a look at an example

x = np.array([[-20], [0.5], [1.2], [-2.3], [0]])
Softplus example

I hope now you understand how to implement the Softplus function and its derivative.

In the next post, we will talk about Softmax activation function and its Jacobian which is the most important post in this chapter.

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Continue to the next post — 3.7 Softmax Activation function and its Jacobian.



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